The daily dynamic domino effect of online content creation

Jarrod Carelse
2 min readSep 5, 2020

One post, goes viral . . .

Another post, inspires somebody half way across the world. . .

A further post, is the catalyst for world wide protest.

Do we stop to consider the power and influence of being able to post and leverage our online presence?

Our online posts and realities have the power to change other peoples realities and mindsets, they have the power to influence of the peoples opinions and perspectives.

This is a process that happens daily as more content is created, and more people spend their time in front of a screen. The realities and lifestyles presented to them through social media, videos and music continues to both create and change their perception on reality.

This is definitely a domino effect, with one piece of content sparking the creation of another piece and one post creating an insight that allows others to capitalise on. From gaming, to politics, to cooking this domino effect touches every aspect of our lives. We are constantly being influenced by a cascade of information which we participate in, giving off our own influence.

What is the aftermath of this domino effect?

Interconnected Influence

The online world continues to further expand as more people come online and with each expansion new perspectives and sets of information are made available to the public in both a positive and negative sense.

Positive as it allows people to stay more informed and connected than ever before. This continually increases peoples level of education and participation in the do-it-yourself economy that is the online world. However, the negative is that this noise creates a distortion in which it is hard to define reality objectively anymore, the cascade of water becomes a waterfall that is so loud it drowns out our attempts at real communication.

We need to be aware of this daily, dynamic domino effect and just how pervasive it is in society. We need to decide which values we stand for so that we can stand against the cascade of information and perspectives that seems to drown out all objectivity. We need to leverage the positive aspects of the domino effect in order to influence the world positively, or risk losing our hold on the very things that make us people, our empathy, values and wisdom.

Photos by:

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash



Jarrod Carelse

I am a foward thinking visionary and thought leader. I move people from information to insight.